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The Wedding Singer Movie Review: Why You Should Watch This Romance Film?

Friday, August 17, 2018
The Wedding Singer 1998 (#ad) American romantic comedy film is about the title character whose name is Robbie Hart (played by Adam Sandler). He becomes understandably depressed after he's left by the one who supposedly loves him.

the wedding singer, movie, film, romantic comedy, adam sandler, drew barrymore, robbie hart, julia sullivan, romance, Ellen Albertini Dow, rosie

He meets a charming and beautiful waitress named Julia Sullivan (played by Drew Barrymore). She may be the right one for him if they manage to get past the obstacles in their way.

The Wedding Singer is funny and romantic

This film isn’t a comedy in that you won’t be laughing out loud at regular intervals, but there are a number of pretty amusing scenes that can bring a smile to your face. The Wedding Singer can be described as sweet, romantic and even heartwarming.

The romance between the 2 main characters is developed in a believable and realistic way. They fall in love gradually. They don’t suddenly develop feelings for each other in the very first moment that they look into each other’s eyes.

Even the supporting characters (like Rosie (played by Ellen Albertini Dow)) make the film more interesting and amusing. Some of these minor characters can be quite adorable as they add more depth to the scenes that they appear in.

Misunderstanding scene is believable

There’s a misunderstanding scene between the 2 main characters (the part where Robbie goes to talk to Julia, but isn’t able to because of what he sees) that is done in a way that doesn’t seem contrived.

Airplane scene is enjoyable

Some scenes (like the airplane scene) might come across as unbelievable and yet it doesn’t detract from the story as these just make the movie much more enjoyable, amusing and touching.

the wedding singer, movie, film, romantic comedy, adam sandler, drew barrymore, robbie hart, julia sullivan, romance, Ellen Albertini Dow, rosie

Some characters are unlikable and horrible for plot convenience

However, The Wedding Singer isn’t without its flaws. The main characters were involved with other people even before they met. Of course, it’s a given that these people are not the right ones for them.

But the film should not have turned these people into unlikable characters just to get Robbie and Julia to leave them and get together instead.

It’s perfectly possible to ensure that the protagonists end up together instead of with their supposed significant others without giving those people a nasty and bad personality.

Making these people horrible and mean just makes parts of the movie unbelievable and unrealistic because it makes viewers wonder why and how Robbie and Julia could have gotten involved with these kinds of people in the first place.

Nonetheless, regardless of these flaws, the movie is still pretty good and it’s something that you can choose to watch if you’re looking for something romantic and heartwarming and yet with enough amusing scenes that can make you grin or smile.

Your thoughts and opinions

What do you think about all this? Feel free and welcome to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a message in the comments section.

- Image with added text was modified by Freya Yuki based on the image by Rusembell (CC:BY) from deviantArt
- Couple in the image is meant to represent Robbie and Julia
- Second pic is from; link shown above
- YouTube video features a scene from The Wedding Singer

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